Statement by H.E. Osman Saleh, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Eritrea, at the Non-Aligned Movement Ministerial Meeting on 23rd September 2024, New York

Statement by H.E. Osman Saleh, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Eritrea, at the Non-Aligned Movement Ministerial Meeting

Statement by H.E. Osman Saleh, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Eritrea, at the Non-Aligned Movement Ministerial Meeting on 23rd September 2024, New York

On Sep 24, 2024

Statement by H.E. Osman Saleh, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Eritrea, at the Non-Aligned Movement Ministerial Meeting on 23rd September 2024, New York

Mr. President,

Allow me at outset to express my gratitude to your excellency for ably steering the works of our Movement at this crucial period of time.

The plight of the Palestinian people has been unfolding for almost one year with sheer impunity. The indiscriminate killings of women, children, and innocent civilians and the destruction of civilian facilities, including hospitals, is a grave violation of the core principles of international humanitarian law namely, humanity, distinction, proportionality and necessity. The daily loss of the innocent lives is a tragedy that cannot be justified under any circumstances. The arbitrary attacks on civilians are unequivocally unjust, inhumane, and must be condemned in the strongest possible terms. The international community cannot stand silent in the face of such egregious crimes.

It is very regrettable that due to the continued appeasements and diplomatic maneuvers, none of the four resolutions of the UN Security Council have managed to stop the war and end the human carnage. The Council, with the sole responsibility of maintaining peace and security, is incapacitated in the face of the humanitarian catastrophe, further attesting to its anachronistic power structure and monopoly by few powers. A very simple, but profound, question needs to be asked: How many more innocent lives should be lost for the international community to act decisively? Sadly, under the existing global order, wherein a handful “exceptions” exercise unimpeded power, the international community will be doomed to unprecedent calamity as in the Gaza Strip.

 Mr. President,

The human tragedy in Palestine is a glaring testimony of the flaws of the so-called ‘rules based international order’; and the duplicity in the application of the provisions of the UN Charter and international law. Indeed, the hypocrisy of this ill-fated unipolar order can’t be disguised under any ruse – neither “national/international security” nor the “fight against terrorism”, as it merely symbolizes the selective application of the provisions of the UN Charter and international law in the interests of certain powers and their allies. The ongoing war in Gaza serves as a stark reminder of the pressing need for peace and justice in our World, which is undergoing a seismic shift from the defunct unipolarity to the inevitable multi-polar international order.

Mr. President,

The right to the self-determination of the Palestinian People is a natural and lawful entitlement that must not be compromised at any time. Palestinians, like Israelis and any other people in the World, deserve to live in peace and tranquility. No one’s life is valued than others. The Palestinian people’s aspiration for independence is a legitimate pursuit that aligns with the principles of self-determination and freedom. Supporting Palestine’s right to choose its path to nationhood is not only an acknowledgment of these universal principles but also a step towards lasting peace and stability in the region while guaranteeing security of both Palestinians and Israelis.

The war unleashed on the Palestinian civilians and aggression must stop immediately and the inalienable rights and aspirations of the Palestinian people should be fully respected. As we adopt the ‘Pact of the Future’, we need to be reminded that Palestinians deserve a dignified future not less than to anyone.

At this profoundly difficult time, the solidarity and sympathy of the Eritrean People and Government goes to the Palestinian People who are enduring untold human plight and crimes against the principles of the UN Charter and international law.

I Thank You!
